no cap news corner

hardware reviews

click trigger modifications

Click triggers are the latest sensation to hit the controller modification aftermarket and are quickly being recognized as a must have for competitive gamers... READ MORE

back button modifications

Back Buttons on controllers just make sense!

It’s where your fingers naturally rest while holding the controller, so why not have buttons there to press? READ MORE

primed plus x|s
controller review by early axxess

The Primed + Wireless Controller is very comfortable, with rubberized grips and a cool-to-the-touch finish with a few components that can be swapped out to suit your needs... READ MORE

what are the benefits of hall effect
electro magnetic joysticks?

Finally! A solution to the age-old problem that has plagued gamers for generations is here! Pretty much every serious gamer has encountered the “drifting” or “stick drift” problem with their controllers before. READ MORE

game reviews

better than rocket league?

do you play any of these games?

streamer  spotlight